[It is AI that raises children] “Chappie”.

1 year ago


The story is about a newborn artificial intelligence raised by a gang. Three gangsters raise AI Chappie and try to help the gangster father role commit crimes. However, the mother's role teaches him to love. He also promises his developer that he will not commit crimes, which conflicts with the father's instructions, so he is conflicted.

Original Title
Original Site
Screening and distribution dates
23 Mar, 2016

Robot with artificial intelligence software installed in a robot broken by gangsters. The robot's body is an attack robot but inside is pure and innocent as if it were born as a baby.

Deon Wilson

Actor: Dev Patel

He was plagued by intense envy from an Australian engineer, Vincent Moore.

Vincent Moore

Actor: Hugh Jackman

He fails to sell "Moose," an attack robot that operates by human brainwave control. Even when allowed to make a presentation, the police organization refuses to introduce the robot because of its offensive power and resents Dion for reducing its development budget.

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I highly recommend this place!

  • The story is not very complicated, so it is easy to understand and well-paced.
  • It has a strong sci-fi feel, and the images are realistic and fantastic.
  • Robot police and other exciting near-future settings


In the near future, crime is patrolled by an oppressive mechanized police force. But now, the people are fighting back. When one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new programming, he becomes the first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself. As powerful, destructive forces start to see Chappie as a danger to mankind and order, they will stop at nothing to maintain the status quo and ensure that Chappie is the last of his kind.

Quoted from the official website

Johannesburg, South Africa, 2016. Dion, an engineer, is kidnapped by a street gang along with an artificially intelligent robot he has developed. Chappie and the gang gradually develop a bond that transcends species, but an unexpected conspiracy begins to unfold around him.

Directed and written by Neill Blomkamp

Neill Blomkamp, the director of this film, is known for “District 9,” nominated for an Academy Award, and “Elysium,” produced with Matt Damon in the lead role.

The film is set in a fictional city with many futuristic robots and machines.

While containing science fiction elements, his films also satirize the problems of modern society. They can be enjoyed as socially conscious films.

Legitimate actor Hugh Jackman plays the villain.

Hugh Jackman gives the impression of playing excellent roles in everything from musicals to science fiction films in “Les Miserables,” “The Greatest Showman,” “Logan,” and so on.

In this film, he plays Vincent, a colleague of Dion who developed Chappie. Vincent sets up a giant robot, but the humanoid robot developed by Dion is so well received that his development costs are drastically cut, and he blames Dion.

Hugh Jackman says he enjoyed playing this villainous role while having fun with his bad-taste hairstyle. Hugh Jackman’s evilness was precious because I could not see it in other films.

Robot “Chappie” grows up to be cute!

Slightly different from conventional robots that follow human programs, Chappie is equipped with artificial intelligence.

Chappie is a robot with artificial intelligence that learns and grows without human programming. In addition to his learning ability, Chappie, like humans, has a “heart” and can feel love and fear.

Chappie, equipped with artificial intelligence, is educated by the developer Dion, learns gangster-like behavior from the street gangster Boss Ninja, and grows up with love and affection from Ninja’s girlfriend, Yo-Landi.

Chappie, with his cute visuals and pin-on ears like a bunny rabbit, will surprise everyone he will side with and stand up to in the crime-ridden city of Johannesburg.

Everyone’s comments

  • When he was just a robot, I had no feelings for him. Still, the moment he became Chappie with artificial intelligence, he became cute!
  • I watched it more like a documentary than a movie.
  • It seemed like a work of religious and philosophical questions.
  • Sad and heartwarming.
  • A great movie with an edge.
  • The typical near-future robot movie is a story in which robots become a marvel to humans. Still, Chappie is not associated with such a stereotype. It’s not as exciting and thrilling as you’d expect from a sci-fi or action movie, but it’s still great.

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