Quite different from the previous remake, "PLANET OF THE APES," it is a fascinating story of how apes (apes), abused on the present-day Earth, bond with their friends and work towards their liberation.
- Original Title
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes
- Original Site
- https://www.20thcenturystudios.com/movies/rise-of-the-planet-of-the-apes
- Director
- Characters
- Dr. William "Will" Rodman
Actor: James Franco
A chemist who is trying to discover a cure for his father's Alzheimer's disease by testing ALZ-112 on chimpanzees; he is a father figure to Caesar.
- Caesar
Actor: Andy Serkis
A chimpanzee whose intelligence is increased from being exposed in the womb to ALZ-112
- Dr. Caroline Aranha
Actor: Freida Pinto
A veterinarian who begins a relationship with Will and grows attached to Caesar
- Charles Rodman
Actor: John Lithgow
Will's father, former music teacher, whose Alzheimer's improves after Will gives him the ALZ-112.
- John Landon
Actor: Brian Cox
Manager of the San Bruno Primate Shelter where Caesar is confined
- Dodge Landon
Actor: Tom Felton
John's son and an animal caretaker at the shelter, who abuses the apes for sport.
- Distributed by
- Production Companies
I highly recommend this place!
- New chapter in the "Planet of the Apes" series
- Striking images by motion capture
- I'm just curious about the future.
Raised like a child by the drug's creator (James Franco), Caesar ultimately finds himself taken from the humans he loves and imprisoned.
20thcenturystudios Oficial Site
The Planet of the Apes” was first released in theaters in 1968 and stunned humanity with its shocking conclusion. Due to its popularity, the original series became a five-part feature-length series, followed by a TV drama, an animated series, and remakes. The new reboot series of “Planet of the Apes” is “Rise of the Planet of the Apes,” released in 2011.

The New “Planet of the Apes” Saga
The film “Planet of the Apes: Genesis” is not a sequel to the original version mentioned above but a prequel. It is part of a series that depicts how the Planet of the Apes was created from the planet of humanity. The new series will consist of three parts, and as the subtitle “Genesis” indicates, this is the first film in the new series.
The original “Planet of the Apes” story centered on the main character, astronaut George Taylor. It unfolded on the “Planet of the Apes,” where monkeys (Apes), who have developed great intelligence due to their space flight, dominate humans who have only the wisdom of primitive man. At the end of the first film, the Statue of Liberty, the symbol of a devastated New York City, appeared, and the film ended with the shocking conclusion that this “Planet of the Apes” was the future Earth. Its ending surprised many people, and “Planet of the Apes” remains legendary.
Since the “Planet of the Apes” hit, various sequels have been produced but have not been as well received as the original. Unfortunately, the re-imagined “Planet of the Apes” was poorly received.

Under these circumstances, a new “Planet of the Apes” series was started: this film, “Planet of the Apes: Genesis.” It was not a remake but an origin story that dared to be a prequel, and it was so successful that a trilogy of films was produced, including this one.

Given that the original version was set in the future, the chronological narrative was straightforward to follow from the present day to there. Also, in the original version, which gives the impression that technology itself is lagging despite being set shortly, it is suggested that this is because humanity has destroyed its culture. Thanks to this setting, the appearance of the advanced chemical pseudo-technology in “Planet of the Apes: Genesis” was not inconsistent with the story, which I felt was a very skillful setting.
Overwhelming monkey expression
The most striking aspect of the film “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” is the representation of Caesar as an ape. Unlike the original version, which used unique makeup on humans to represent apes, this film uses motion-capture computer graphics to represent apes. I was first surprised at the excellence of CG technology. Caesar looks like a real monkey during the play, and I was awed by the expression. Caesar is born, leaves his parents, and grows up, and this growth is also expressed in splendid detail.
Digital technology is astonishing in the representation of Caesar. The performance of Andy Serkis, a highly successful motion actor who played the role of Caesar, was a natural tongue twister. The use of motion capture technology made Caesar’s facial expressions incredibly realistic, and the detailed emotional swings were palpable in his facial expressions and movements. Serkis is a top motion actor, having played Gollum in the “Lord of the Rings” series and the Kong drug in the “King Kong” remake. This film stars James Franco as the scientist who raised Caesar. Still, Serkis’ overwhelming acting ability and presence are so tremendous that he feels more like the lead. The image of Caesar’s character, which is so overwhelming that it feels terrifying, is a point that must be experienced in the film.
In particular, the “NO” line and the images will give you goosebumps.

The “after” story that I can’t help but wonder about.
This film is a prequel to “Planet of the Apes,” so we know where we are going. However, it is the process from this film to “Planet of the Apes” that we are inevitably curious about. The film’s last scene ends with the apes, led by Caesar, deciding to distance themselves from humans and build their own empire. The future of “Planet of the Apes” may seem to have a “bad ending” for the human race, but even knowing this, I am still interested in the process.
Planet of the Apes” is based on the novel of the same title, and the film is heavily influenced by Jonathan Swift’s satirical novel “Gulliver’s Travels. Although “Gulliver’s Travels” is generally known only for “Travels in the Land of Lilliput,” a land of dwarfs, it is clear that “Travels in the Land of the Hui-Num,” in which a noble and intelligent race of horses called the Hui-Num to rule the land, was the inspiration for the book. You can also see the influence of the satirical novel “Robinson Crusoe,” published around the same time. The fact that “Planet of the Apes” could express these inspirations without destroying them makes it a masterpiece.
In contrast, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” is not only based on the Old Testament book of Genesis, as the title suggests, but also on Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein. Although in different ways, each novel can be considered to serve as a wake-up call to future humanity, and the “Planet of the Apes” series seems to have cherished this theme. Is it possible to develop the story of the reboot series that started with “Planet of the Apes: Genesis” without destroying this grand theme? If so, how will it unfold? It is the critical point of this series and, at the same time, the fact that I am interested in.

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This page is written from the "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" which is available on Amazon Prime Video Com.
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