Overnight getaways Run All Night

1 year ago


A no-good, drunken father with a heart condition (similar to the setting of Flight Game) turns against the organization to which he owes allegiance for the sake of his only son.

Original Title
Run All Night
Original Site
Screening and distribution dates
16 May, 2015

Actor: Liam Neeson

He is an assassin who has worked for his best friend, Sean, for many years. In his younger days, he was known and feared as "Jimmy the Gravedigger," but now he leads an alcoholic and self-defeating life out of guilt over his past deeds.


Jimmy's son. He is a limousine driver. As a child, he aspired to be a professional boxer but failed. He now uses his experience to teach boxing to boys without fathers.

Shawn Maguire

Mafia boss. He is the boss that Jimmy has served for many years and is his only best friend. He runs the city behind the scenes, and some cops are at his beck and call.

I highly recommend this place!

  • 息子に対するジミーの愛情
  • ジミーとショーン父親同士の戦い
  • 激しい銃撃戦と一夜の逃走劇




A no-good, drunken father with a heart condition (similar to the setting of Flight Game) turns against the organization to which he owes allegiance for the sake of his only son.
To protect his son, his son’s life, and his happy family, he spends an evening running from the organization and the police and fights to the death.


Jimmy, a former hitman played by Liam Neeson, kills his best friend of 30 years, Sean’s son Danny, a mafia boss, and the relationship changes forever. He and Jimmy’s son, Mike, are hunted by the mob and the police.
It is a gripping action getaway set in New York City. The estranged father-son relationship between Jimmy and Mike is also a highlight.

Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra

The director is best known for his much-discussed “Esther.”
Following “Flight Game” and “Unknown,” this is Liam Neeson’s third film with the director, and shooting began less than a year after the release of “Flight Game” in 2013, with the tight schedule of “Run All Night” to be released in 2015.
Unlike “Flight Game,” a story on an airplane, “Run All Night” gives the impression of Liam Neeson running away from the city and running amok to his heart’s content.
The fact that they have teamed up many times to create this film shows how well they work together.

The complicated parent-child relationship between father and son

Jimmy’s past as a hitman has made his son Mike dislike him and become estranged. He was addicted to alcohol and lived a lonely life. Mike lives happily with his family in a very symmetrical scene. Mike teaches boxing to children who don’t have fathers, and I felt sadness as I could read his complex and feelings about his fatherhood.
Mike’s life is suddenly threatened when he happens to be at the scene of a murder, but Jimmy saves him many times. Jimmy saves him many times, and I feel his strong desire to protect his son. I can feel his love as a father as he does not allow Mike to kill anyone until the very end.
I was moved by the scene where Mike gradually accepted Jimmy and tried to help him. The last scene shows an image of Mike’s room with old photos of Jimmy and Mike. It symbolizes that he has completely changed his feelings toward his father and has forgiven him. Mike’s happy life that Jimmy wanted to protect with his life. I cried as Jimmy’s wish seemed to have come true.
I loved the scene where Mike’s wife shook hands with Jimmy and said, “It’s nice to meet you. It shows the generosity and kindness of his wife.

Jimmy and Sean’s masculine bond and relationship

Jimmy lives a solitary life, but only Sean, the mafia boss, cares about Jimmy, and I sense a long-standing bond between them. They seemed like warriors who shared a painful past and wounds.
Their melancholy, austere, and masculine atmosphere is extraordinary and worth watching.
When Jimmy kills Danny to protect Mike and then honestly tells Sean over the phone, you can see their mutual determination to become enemies. Sean Danny is his only son, so he has mixed feelings.
Jimmy is targeted by several people, one after another, under the orders of Sean, the mafia boss, but he is powerful and relaxed in his fights. In the end, Jimmy and Sean fight one-on-one, and I was impressed by how Jimmy held Sean in his arms after he fell. It was frustrating for Jimmy to shoot Sean, who was very important to him, with his hands. I felt this frustration in the scene where Jimmy was momentarily lost and stopped moving. Sean had lived his life as a loving father. It was a manly end.

Jimmy’s Past and Final Days

There is a scene in which Jimmy is relentlessly asked by the police, who know him, how many people he has killed because he was a hitman. When I thought he was distancing himself from his family to protect them from what he was doing, I realized it was also a form of love.
The name “Billy” is mentioned several times in the film, and it can be said that he was the one who did not want to admit that Jimmy killed him. Later in the book, we find out that Billy is his cousin, and in the last part of the book, Billy’s name is on the list of words that the police want to see killed. Jimmy’s name is on the list of names sought by the police. Jimmy meets his end by protecting Mike from Price, a professional hitman, at the last minute. It may have been a happy ending for Jimmy to spend time with his son, meet his son’s family, and protect his son with his own hands before his life was over. He was a father who had lived his whole life with intense feelings and love for his son. I feel as if those feelings were rewarded. Jimmy’s expression is always sad, but the smile on his face when he was talking with his grandson, Mike’s daughter, left a great impression on me. Jimmy’s intense love and sad life naturally brought tears to my eyes.

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