It may seem long until Captain America is born. Still, that is good because it is carefully produced so that people who do not know Captain America can enjoy it.
- Original Title
- Captain America: The First Avenger
- Original Site
- Director
- Characters
- Steve Rogers / Captain America
Actor: Chris Evans
He became the first test subject of the Super Soldier Project, which led to his career as Captain America.
- Chester Phillips
Actor: Tommy Lee Jones
Colonel, U.S. Army. Responsible for the Super Soldier Program.
- Margaret "Peggy" Carter
Actor: Hayley Atwell
SSR female officer. She performs a wide range of duties in the Super Soldier Program, from supervising cadets to participating in practical operations. A romance develops with Steve.
- James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes
Actor: Sebastian Stan
Steve's childhood friend and best friend.
- Howard Stark
Actor: Dominic Cooper
He is the president of Stark Industries, a giant military contractor, and is involved in SSR as an engineer, providing technology for the Super Soldier Project.
- Johann Schmidt / Red Skull
Actor: Hugo Weaving
He was the founder of Hydra, the top-secret Nazi chemical division. The skin from the top of his head to his neck has been peeled off and turned bright red by the superhuman serum.
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- The story of the birth of the superhero who would later become the leader of the Avengers
- Fusion of war movie and superhero movie
- Prologue to the True Infinity Saga
Steve Rogers devotes himself to the top-secret military experiment "Super Soldier Project" and is reborn as
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) | The enemy he fights is the evil organization Hydra, led by the Red Skull,
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a series that began with the 2008 theatrical release of Iron Man. The Avengers, the movie in which the heroes are first assembled, was released one year after the release of this film. The last person introduced among the members of the original Avengers was their leader, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. The 2011 film Captain America: The First Avenger explores his origins as one of the main characters in the “Infinity Saga,” which greatly divided the MCU, and is considered one of the “Big Three” along with Iron Man and the Mighty Thor, The film tells the story of how he became a superhero.
The first hero with superpowers
The movie Captain America: The First Avenger, as the title suggests, tells the story of the birth of the world’s first superhero, Captain America. Captain America had been made into several movies before this one. Still, he had difficulty gaining popularity due to his patriotic name, unattractive suit, and uptight personality. Although he is now popular among many people, this first movie, Captain America: The First Avenger, still leaves the impression that the visual aspect, character modeling, and the tension surrounding him have yet to be established. The author did not like the girth-like thing on his waist.
It was also used as a story in “Avengers/Endgame,” the MCU Phase 3 totality.

But this film is essential to learning more about Steve Rogers, aka Captain America. We can understand how Steve was initially surprisingly poor and small and was chosen to be the world’s first superhero. It gives us an excellent understanding of what exactly drove him. Although the visuals of Steve before he was formed as a superhero make it challenging to get into the story, I felt that the film carefully depicts the kind of people he interacted with and the mistakes he made that led him to become the hero known as Captain America.
It is a superhero movie and a war movie
The movie Captain America: The First Avenger is both a superhero movie and a war movie, and it balances the quantity and elements of both. Most films featuring superheroes are about superpowered heroes, which makes them somewhat unrealistic, with the usual good versus evil, hero versus villain.
However, this film is set during World War II. While it is a superhero film, it also has many elements of a war movie, which makes it an acceptable extension of the real world. This makes it easier for people who do not often watch superhero movies to be accepted.

In scenes where superpowers are used to defeat enemies, the fact that the defeated enemy is a human being or a living creature with life tends to be neglected, and we fail to realize the weight and preciousness of life when we defeat an enemy. Also, because heroes seem invincible, we tend to forget that they are human beings. However, by dealing with World War II, a battle in which human beings clash with each other in a way that is easy for anyone to imagine, this work seems to remind us of the “weight of life,” which we tend to forget. These elements are essential to Captain America’s character.
The True Prologue to the Infinity Saga
Captain America: The First Avenger is the fifth MCU film and the actual prologue to the Infinity Saga. Considering that it began with Iron Man, the protagonist of this saga is Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. This is indisputable. However, considering the saga’s ending and the timeline, Steve Rogers is also the saga’s hero.
Why did people want superheroes? What kind of responsibility does having superpowers entail? What is the weight of life and sacrifice? What motivates people to fight even in such tragic circumstances? What is the power of various kinds of love, such as friendship, romance, and mentor-student love? What are people trying to protect by fighting? These are the starting points for many questions being asked throughout the MCU.
Because Iron Man dealt with cutting-edge technology, this film, which depicts the analog human condition before the development of technology, is of great significance. I believe this film is of great importance at the launch of the “Captain America” series and as the launch film of the entire Infinity Saga. Captain America: The First Avenger is an important film that brings us closer to Captain America and the origin of the Avengers and the MCU. It is considered the least popular film in the “Captain America” series and by no means the most popular or well-received film in the entire MCU. However, it is a film that must be seen at least once to understand the “superhero spirit” familiar to the series.
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This page is written from the "Captain America: The First Avenger" which is available on DisneyPlus Com.
This page introduces the synopsis, impressions, and ratings of "Captain America: The First Avenger" available on DisneyPlus Com. If you are interested in this movie, please check it out at DisneyPlus Com!
DisneyPlus Com Captain America: The First AvengerI have also written reviews of other DisneyPlus Com productions.
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